Leadership involves a set of skills that aren't limited to an official role in your library as director, executive, dean, or trustee. Ethical politics translates into earning the trust and respect of library stakeholders including co-workers and bosses. Positive influence is the best of customer service. Innovation can apply to any task. And being able to take risks and focus on the future means the ability to initiate and manage change.
It's also a critical component if you have plans for career advancement. Library leaders look for leadership qualities in others.
Everyday leaders, regardless of their job description, pay attention to the Bigger Picture, meaning the mission, vision, values, and principles of the organization. They take them seriously and think about them when they make decisions and take actions. Consequently, how customers experience the library–its services, programming, collections, and staff interactions–aligns with those ideals. Everyday Leaders use the Bigger Picture to help set practical priorities.
Everyday leadership also is about ethics, character, and leading by example, starting with courtesy and civility towards everyone, all the time. It is the conscious effort to represent one's best self and inspiring others.
Following this webinar, you will know how to:
- Apply leadership qualities such as influence, risk, innovation, and ethical politics to your current role in your library.
- Play the Long Game, meaning keeping your eye on your Big Goal, whatever it might be.
- Anticipate change and look for new opportunities, even in hard times.
Everyday Leadership, Regardless of Your Job Title
Pat Wagner is a trainer and consultant with over 40 years of experience working for libraries, universities, local government, nonprofits, and small businesses. She supports the success of libraries with programs on personnel, supervision, management, leadership, marketing, strategic planning, project management, and communication. Pat has worked with libraries and library organizations throughout the United States, from the smallest rural storefronts to the largest academic and urban library institutions. Pat is also a frequent speaker at state and national conferences. She is known for her good-humored and practical presentations.