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Proven Strategies for Outreach & Programming

There are many amazing outreach projects and programs throughout Library Land that don’t get widely discussed. From her many years of editorial work on library publications, plus attendance at countless conferences, Kathy Dempsey gets a bird’s eye view of them all and is eager to share the most exciting ones. During this session, she’ll explain the events and point you to start-up information so you can begin to level up your outreach right away. Discover this treasure trove of proven projects!


Participants will learn about:

• Attention-getting programs like Human Libraries

• Partnerships that will attract NEW library users

• Getting better promotion for your events

• How to increase attendance

• Management strategies to enable better outreach


If your library doesn’t have designated staffers who study and specialize in outreach, programming, and promotion, you’ll benefit greatly from having all these best practices wrapped up in one inspirational package.

Proven Strategies for Outreach & Programming

  • Kathy Dempsey wrote the popular how-to book The Accidental Library Marketer and founded her own marketing consultancy, Libraries Are Essential. Her work is dedicated to helping librarians and information professionals promote their value and expertise in order to gain respect and funding. Kathy has been the Editor of Marketing Library Services newsletter for 30 years. She's a member of the New Jersey Library Association, and Founding Chair of the Library Marketing and Communications Conference.

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